Thursday, June 27, 2024


  -I might have had ongoing affairs with the FRIENDS I had at High School in 1984's wives years later

-Steven Chambers / Anthony Hayes. The two best friends I had at High School

-Brent Legatt / Stephen Richardson. Close to each other lived at close Streets

-Kerry Lockheart / David Eaton. Close to each other. Lived close to each other

-as in RICHIE / RICH and FLYING Saucer

-in 1980 I had a friend over RICHARD CLARK



-I peed in my grandfather George Ager's cup he kept his Dentures in

-there were a lot of Blow Jobs in our affairs. My penis went in like going in to the cup


-RICHIE / RICH. Over years one version of me CROSSED over to a PARALLEL SIDE of me

-I had ongoing affairs with their wives. Fathering all their children

-crossing over to some other place. So me and their wives have no memory of the affairs here

-in about 1978 twice my grandparents took me to the next town Mount Maunganui

-each time I saw something paranormal

-the first time a large RV home sized Flying Saucer on a vacant section

-the second time at a family we only ever saw that time and the only time we were at that home. A Richie Rich comic with a few hundred pages to it. There was never any Richie Rich comic with that many pages

-at a family's home and family we only saw that time

-the FICTION / RICHIE / CHRISTIANITY comic with a few hundred pages. There was never that comic. No truth in the Bible


-TESTAMENTS / my TESTE went in to the cup


  -today I emailed my Budget Advisor to say I will just continue to lose weight. And I need to have a few times a week each of Lemon Pepper Fish and Pork Chops. With mixed veges. And a large piece of Steak. That I can cook quickly and easily. And I find eating them easy and likeable 

-and the save of my life. I realized how bad my problems were not being able to walk a block. I would one day get a bike damage. And really would wind up stuck. Likely lying on the side of the Road. Hoping the Police would pick me up. It takes an Ambulance well over an hour and they need to keep calling you to find out what's wrong. The idea of a Mobility Scooter would never really work and doomed for more disaster. I need to take a Taxi to all places. I might only go out once a week and the Taxi rides both ways probably only comes to $25

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

All Gone

-Jesse Watkins- Flat Mate

-James Mc Petrie former Flat Mate

-Thomas Keene former good friend

-the three nicest people to me and put up with my actions

-WATKINS PETRIE- SIMON PETER Jesus's favorite Disciple. Maybe they are the basis of them

-Lois wife

-Archie boyfriend. And their group

-wife of Paul Longley. The tragic villain in my Archie comics channel about me. She is now living with her unthinking life like robot

-Judith Habgood girl at lot like me

-Maureen Johnston slight outcast from earlier school years

-Amanda Waller was on a Training Course. Like above 

-Jenette Kahn

-any one on the planet currently who would want to end. Or would want to end if they knew about this. They end completely and life like unthinking doubles are in their place

-Charles and Camilla. Charles stigmatized around space

-the 7 local sons of mine I tried to give the power to do about anything over our Universe. With Jenette Kahn she would probably try to turn them on me. Trying for some miracles she wants. And trying to get them to ruin me with miracle. eg: Ben Andrews looks like Jericho. A super hero but later really one of the WILDER BEEST group

-today I tried to destroy a list of at risk people

-end them COMPLETELY. Not even an afterlife. So in their place are only life like, aging etc really unthinking robots

-to do this I used two times I was at Tauranga's Historic Village. Each time I met a man looking like Jesus Christ. Tall, long dark hair and beard and with a look of him

-the first time I was leaving unlocking my bike at the gates. I fumbled my lock and said Christ softly. He came though the gates he said You have dropped your HAT. The three simple mature Star Wars stories I wrote. There is a BOY BAND practicing in one of their homes. One gets a HAT / Magician's Hat and puts it in front of the main character's groin and says ALL GONE. They get no miracle power. In those three stories the character becomes a female, male looking with female sex organs

-about 2021 I heard the Record Roundabout was down there and sold comics. I went down to check them out. As I was about to go in I passed the man looking like Jesus again. I said Hello. He replied BUD. As in BUM. ? In my set up I one day go always around naked and a male. Like what I realized yesterday about my body designed by people to be the greatest looking body ever. Suddenly I felt the most heated and drained I have inside. There was a long brown stick near the entrance. After that the same time at the Historic Village I was leaving passing The Whipped Baker. I saw my Flat Mate Jesse Watkins in there. I tried to put the real him in a safe copy of my home. And in his place there would be a life like but unthinking double. Two meetings with the man looking like JESUS CHRIST. One there too with maybe the nicest person to me I have known JESSE WATKINS / JESUS REVELATIONS

-it is me meeting the man looking like Jesus Christ each time that might partly work this

Tuesday, June 25, 2024


-years ago I had a dream. It was in black and white. There was a young man. The right height, no muscle, hair in a short ponytail that might have been brown, women's breasts. Just on his breasts was a capital black block 'T' not covering them much. Just over his nipples. Shirtless. Wearing long pants. On the wall was a large Monitor screen. He had a downed look to him

-this might mean the two men I was meant to marry

-a man looking like David PLATT of Coronation Street maybe a lot like me

-actor Tom Holland. The man looked like Tom Holland and Peter Parker

-the female breasts their wives have public affairs and a good chance the children of other men

-being once meant to be my husband means they must live lives as First Men and can't just leave their wives

-the large Monitor screen. They must go out in public on TV doing things with their wives too

-they have fallen lives

Monday, June 24, 2024

Lying and False

 -on my right wrist I have three parallel line oven burn marks like-




-the LINE marks. Revelations says the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an Iron ROD

-the FACE mark. A spot shaped mark on the top of my right arm. Like a smiling face. Two dots for eyes, a dot for a nose and a curved line for a mouth. And a chip off the side of it



-maybe saying the Religion of Christianity is a LIE and FALSE

-using the idea of me as the Anti-Christ

-the three parallel line marks the three Tines on a Pitchfork

-the smiling face. God in Heaven

-these don't exist

-the two real afterlives. From the start of time until the destruction of everything. All go to a copy of my FRASER FACE Street block with attractions and features through the outside doors

-LINE the replacement afterlife for that. The several blocks in LINES with almost every place of the miracles off the homes



   -I might have had ongoing affairs with the FRIENDS I had at High School in 1984's wives years later -Steven Chambers / Anthony Hayes....